Commented on Blood Transcendent:
   "Lol, right??"
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5 years ago

Commented on How To Wear Odd Socks:
   "This hits home for me-- My wife had many of the same issues to deal with, and I myself actually had to cope with some extreme OCD following the birth and hospitalization of our 25-week preemie daughter."
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5 years ago

Commented on Welcome to the Town of Nowhere:
   "Getting some serious feelings of deja vu reading this! I guess it goes hand in hand with the subject matter. I like how you are able to build a scene organically and really make me care for Maggie."
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5 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "You really generate a lot of power in such a short tale, through an economy with words and the poetry of it all! It's amazing how in great short stories you get a sense that the story could be almost novel length."
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5 years ago

Commented on My Life as a Rocket Scientist (and other lies I tell myself):
   "This is a tough lesson that takes some people 50 years to figure out, if at all! Thank you for putting it into words."
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5 years ago